Wairoa Accommodation
Vista Motor Lodge
27 Spacious Units. Licensed Restaurant. State Highway 2. P: 06-838 8279 or 0800 2 VISTA (0800-284 782) W: www.vistamotorlodge.co.nz |
Vista Motor Lodge
27 Spacious Units. Licensed Restaurant. State Highway 2. P: 06-838 8279 or 0800 2 VISTA (0800-284 782) W: www.vistamotorlodge.co.nz |
The Opotiki & District 10,000 club acknowledges the assistance of all those who have helped with photographs or content.
New content material or suggested additions to this guide are welcomed. Please contact the Editor at P O Box 23, Opotiki. All content of this guide is copyright to the Opotiki & District 10,000 Club Inc.and may not be used without prior consent. © COPYRIGHT 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.