118km from Opotiki
216km from Gisborne
This is the boundary of the Ōpōtiki District and also of the local tribe, Te-Whānau-ā-Apanui. Take time out to learn some local history and stand where the warriors of the Tainui Canoe first landed at Whangaparaoa Beach. There is a good beach and fishing. Turn off by the School to the beach and small boat launching. The Cape itself cannot be reached by road. Opposite the School there is an Interdominational church. It is here that two famous canoes landed from Hawaiiki about 1350 A.D. – the Tainui and the Arawa. Other canoes such as the Tauira and Tokomaru are also said to have called at Taungawhaka, this spot is where kumaras were supposedly first introduced to New Zealand. A restored old Pā site and meeting house are of historical interest at Whangaparaoa.